Become a Member of the Alexander association

As member, you have 10% discount on the World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station entrance, shop and activities and free entrance to the evening tours and the Alexanderson Day event, by showing your membership card.

Members also has access to our on-line library with lots of unique historical documents about SAQ and the Alexanderson alternator.

Alexander members also have free entrance to the radio museum in Gothenburg. Four times per year, you will receive an Email with a link to our online magazine “Alternatorn”, exclusively available only to our members.

The Alexander association will arrange the Alexanderson Day, first Sunday in July. The association will also continue to arrange evening tours with transmitter startups. Last, but not least, there is a continous ongoing work with maintainance, documentation and education.

Thank you for your your support of our voluntary work!

Membership fee –  SEK 125 kr/ year. (approx. EUR 12.-)
A membership card is sent out separately when the payment is registered.

Apply for membership here: